Saturday, October 1, 2011

Halloween Dress Up

I loved these boy and girl "halloweenies" so much I downloaded them years ago (well before Millie was at an age to enjoy them). SO CUTE! and this year she is going to love them too!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Cc is for Crazy Busy!

We're back!

We went so many places (and had so many learning experiences) over the three days we were in Chicago. I think Millie was a bit overwhelmed. But now that we're home, and have a mini photo album to flip through, it seems we all had a fantastic time!

Shedd Aquarium
Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier
In a vortex at the Museum of Science & Industry
With Sue at the Field Museum

But Cc is also for Cottage, and that's where we're headed next! Here's hoping next week Dd is for Deer and not Deadly Bears!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 3: Cc is for Chicago!

This week we are heading to Chicago! What a perfect week to learn about the letter C!

In preparation for our trip, we checked out some books from the library:

Larry Gets Lost in Chicago 

And printed out some coloring pages:

Greetings from Illinois
50 states

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 2 recap

We have been busy this week, so I haven't had a chance to sit down and blog until today. Here's what we've been up to:

Bb for Bananas and Boat and Bats
 We attempted Bubble Painting with little success, as I couldn't get the bubbles to take on the color from the paint or food coloring (I'm not sure what I did wrong, so any suggestions would be appreciated!). However, there were BUBBLES! everywhere, so we had fun.

Great tip: use a pin to poke a hole at the top of the straw. Then child can still blow but won't accidentally drink it!
While attempting to pour out bubbles, I also poured out colored water. Spills are fun!
 We also played with our new color wheel. Millie had a bit of trouble with the clothespins, but I think that's part of the activity. She didn't get frustrated, so we stuck with it 1-10!

Today we made lava lamps! So easy! I think Millie enjoyed putting the Alka-Seltzer tablets in more than anything else, so we used a lot of them. But there was lot of fun science going on: Look! The water is at the bottom And at the end we put in two full tablets and watched it all spill down the drain.

And then we messed with PlayDoh. "Happy birthday to mama!" Hooray a yummy cake!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 2: Bb, green/jungle, 2

(basic curriculum from Letter of the Week.)

Letter A, number 2, and color Green and jungle vocab.


Normally I don't focus on a vocab word or color, but we're going to see "The Lion King" tonight at the movie theater, so "jungle" and "vines" just seemed too perfect to skip!

Color jungle animals, cut out, and hide in (construction paper) vines

(to the tune of "Here we go 'round the Mulberry Bush")
This is the elephant's tail so thin,
Tail so thin, tail so thin,
This is the elephant's tail so thin,
Swish, swish, swish.
These are the elephant's feet so huge,
Feet so huge, feet so huge,
These are the elephant's feet so huge,
Stomp, stomp, stomp.
This is the elephant's nose so long,
Nose so long, nose so long,
This is the elephant's nose so long,
Blow, blow, blow.
These are the animals all around,
All around, all around,
These are the animals all around,
Run, run, run!
by Iram Khan


Color in letter B for banana
Bb (boat) color by number

Bat Rhyme (w/ printable bats):

Five Little Bats
Five little bats came flying in the door,
One flew away and that left only four.
Four little bats hiding in a tree,
One flew away and that left three.
Three little bats looking down at you,
One flew away and that left two.
Two little bats hiding from the sun,
One flew away and that left just one.
One little bat hanging all alone,
He flew away and then there were none.


Add 2 stickers to index card

Color sorting wheel
Bake banana bread
Build with various building blocks


Scavenger hunt outside for "B", 2. and green items

{reminder: I want to try the color matching wheel and jumbo number clips

Weekend Play

Saturday we went to the Big Rig Gig. So many trucks and cars and horns! Lots of fun!

Our Sunday rainy day activity was paint bag writing:

I also wanted to share a fun activity we did a few weeks ago. I'm trying to find the link from which I printed the pieces ...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

1 and scavenger hunt Friday

Thursday we did a little bit (a very little bit) on the number 1. Basically we put one sticker on our 1 index card and then did some fine-motor skill work by placing stickers on another 1. We spent the rest of the morning at the library and spent the afternoon meeting a new baby friend of ours!

Friday was our recap/scavenger hunt day. My plan was to have us hunt the neighborhood for A, square and 1 things, but of course Millie had other plans (we are currently all about looking for signs of fall). Here's what we found: