One day into it, and I may throw everything out the window. To no one's surprise, my two year old has little interest in sitting to color and trace the letter "A". This is less because of a short attention span (she actually has always had a surprisingly long attention span!) and more because she already knows all of her letters (uppercase and lowercase) and the sounds they make. So, basically today's lesson was "BORING!" I'm just thankful she doesn't know that word yet.
I was excited to play the ABC Floor Circle, and Millie was really excited to do whatever the boy in the picture was doing. First of all, taping all of those letters is not as quick and easy as is implied by the blog. I couldn't even make a lowercase "a" resemble itself, so we stuck with bath letters instead.
When I suggested we use Millie's Leap Frog fridge magnets to play a matching game, she looked at me like I was crazy. We did hold hands and walk around the circle saying our "ABC"s. I also put on some music so Millie could dance, and then when the music stopped she would run to a letter and shout it out. Then she started suggesting games that sounded like a whole lot of fun, but I couldn't understand her enough to actually be able to play them. Poor girl!
So we ended up completely changing course and decided to play with colors instead. We went into the kitchen, where I taped a rainbow onto the floor. Then we searched around the house for items with which to fill in our rainbow. It was fun! It held Millie's attention! And she was proud enough of it that she asked to keep it there until her daddy came home.
And I think this is what my goal really is for each day. To do something fun that's also educational. Something that doesn't feel like learning.
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